Lifestyle Apparel to Promote Positivity

The inspiration behind Love Lingo came from a Water Study by Masaru Emoto. The study found and showed that the molecular structure of water is significantly affected and changed by words. This study reinforces the notion that positive words equal positive change and negative words cause negative change.

The Photos to the left show examples of how each word changed the molecular structure of water.

Since the body is comprised of over 60% water, it stands to reason that positive or negative affirmations and words can drastically impact the water in YOU as well as your way of life.

This is why we here at Love Lingo have created a positive lifestyle brand printed front and back. So you are completely wrapped in positive words and affirmations. You are surrounded by positivity and can radiate that through your daily life. All of our products en- velope you in positive loving energy, are cleansed of negative energy and enhanced through the holistic power of the Reiki.

This is why the number 1 comment from happy customers is "Wearing Love Lingo is Like wearing a Giant Hug!"

We believe that wearing positive words will brighten not only your day but the days of those around you. This commitment to Empa- thy, Love, Peace and positivity and spreading affirmations is at the core of our brand.

Join us in "Changing the World one shirt at a time!"

Our holistic lifestyle products

Our Positive Apparel

We have multiple high vibe tee shirts that come in a variety... 

Our Positive Apparel

We have multiple high vibe tee shirts that come in a variety of colors an styles. Each og these affirmation shirts are complete with positive  words so you can be surrounded by the right energy all day. We also have yoga tanks, hoodies, long-sleeve pullover sweaters, scrubs for nurses, baby onesies, and more.

Shop our  Our Positive Apparel

Our Positive Other Items

Accessories are a great way to enhance your positive energy raiation! We... 

Our Positive Other Items

Accessories are a great way to enhance your positive energy raiation! We supply blackets, chakra wristband, Love lingo can coolers, mugs, note cards, mousepads, Wood heart ornaments and key-chains, and more.

Shop our  Our Positive Other Items

Our Positive Yoga Items

Yoga is a perfect environment for spiritual, physical, mental and emotional enhancement.... 

Our Positive Yoga Items

Yoga is a perfect environment for spiritual, physical, mental and emotional enhancement. We stock Love Lingo yoga mats, yoga tanks, yoga tops and yoga leggings. Be a bright positive spot in local yoga studio with our Love Lingo apparel.

Shop our  Our Positive Yoga Items

Who is Love Lingo For?

Love Lingo is for anyone looking to surround themselves with positive loving energy! We have roots in the practices of yoga and Reiki for their holistic properties, but Love Lingo is for everyone! We encourage anyone interested in making a change in themselves, the world arround them, chakra reinforcement, love and postivity, or holistic living to try Love Lingo.

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Love Lingo Gifts Cards

Know someone in your life who is extra positive or is a holistic lifestyle enthusiast? If you are unsure of their size, color preference or style, a gift card is the perfect solution. Spread postitive loving vibes with a Love Lingo gift card.

Buy a Gift Card
  • Holly Feuling 1/29/2022

    "Bought positivity shirts and wristbands for my family and a few friends. Everyone is so excited for the boost in good energy! I wear m shirt and wristband regularly to mindfully connect and reminders to use affirmation words and embrace gratitude. Dave couldn't be more helpful, kind and attentive in getting your ordering needs met efficiently! Thank you for forwarding kindness into the universe!"

  • LindaQbq 2/8/2022

    "My daughter gifted me with this tie-dyed brightly-colored T-shirt for Christmas. I love it. It is quality cotton, well-made, and feels so good on my skin. It makes me look more alive and the amazing words do indeed wrap me in a loving hug. You will love these shirts. I am ordering a second one for myself!"

  • Marilyn Murphy 5/2/2022

    "I Love, Love, Love Lingo! I've purchased several items, a sweatshirt, and a Tee shirt. It feels like your wearing a great Big Hug! The fabric is so soft and comfortable, like a second skin. I highly recommend Love Lingo apparel. People come up to me when I'm out for a walk and ask me, "Where did you get that?" The beautiful uplifting words that are printed on the clothing are high vibe and you feel good wearing these products. Help spread the love!"

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Proud member of Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International TM

message from Raven Keyes:
"I'm building a tribe of Light Bearers called Certified Medical Reiki Masters. The knowledge I give is your shield in the harsh reality of conventional medicine and the credential is the calling card to the main event, which is the evolution of patient care."

Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International:
• Provides Certified Medical Reiki Masters for surgeries or for other medical treatments by country, state and city
• Trains and certifies Reiki masters for this important work.

How can Reiki practitioners gain the trust of physicians, surgeons, nurses, and other gatekeepers to patient care? The Certified Medical Reiki Master training and credential provided by Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International addresses this need. To be allowed into an operating room to deliver Reiki, an environment where the patient is most vulnerable, requires trust on the part of the surgical team. They have to know that the Reiki practitioner in their OR has the training that qualifies them to be there.

RKMRI Medical Reiki is a new protocol in the practice of Integrative Medicine that protects patients, surgeons, doctors, technicians and Reiki practitioners. It is practiced according to the Gold Standards and Best Practices developed by Raven Keyes after her 20 years of bringing Reiki into the operating rooms of some of America's top surgeons, including Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Sheldon Marc Feldman.

RKMRI delivers the knowledge and training necessary to create a respected profession of paid practitioners that medical professionals can depend on. Although volunteers are doing wonderful work in hospitals, they are never viewed in the same light as paid professionals, especially by sur geons and OR teams- and untrained practitioners would never be allowed in operating rooms. Unless our work is respected, our ability to help human beings who are enduring harrowing surgeries and extreme allopathic treatments is limited. Delivering trained professionals to the medical world is of utmost importance if every person facing severe allopathic treatments and surgeries is to enjoy the benefits of Medical Reiki, which has shown to diminish pain, anguish and stress, creating a higher quality of life, resulting in better outcomes.

The credential of Certified Medical Reiki Master is opening doors all over the world. CMRMs are assisting medical patients in ways not previously allowed in hospitals, and the need for qualified practitioners will only accelerate as ever expanding research continues to provide evidence-based proof of Reiki's viability and significance in modern medicine.

Raven Keyes is the internationally recognized Reiki Master Teacher who has worked with surgeons and other health professionals for many years She is the author of the award winning book, "The Healing Power of Reik?" in which she shares her experiences in the operating room, at Ground Zero after 9/11, with professional athletes including the New York Giants Football Team, and others.

Our goal is to make Medical Reiki" available to all Dr. Sheldon Marc Feldman and Raven Keyes Medical Reiki International LLC have joined forces to fulfill this goal by working together to make it possible for a very important medical study to be conducted toward proving the efficacy of using Reiki in the high-tech reality of modern medicine.

Visit RKMI

Proud member of Reiki Healing Association

Live the High Vibe Life With Love Lingo

Mix things up and spread joy into the world with products from Love Lingo. Be the change you choose to see!

Please contact us with any questions about our products, ordering wholesale, or about setting up a Fundraiser.

Empathy, Love and Peace in your pursuit of holistic healing!

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