7 Ways To Help Manage Stress

7 Ways To Help Manage Stress

Stress is something that all of us deal with to some extent at some point in our lives. If you find yourself struggling to overcome stress and go about your usual daily activities, you’ll want to find a stress-relieving technique that works for your needs. Keep reading as we share seven of the top ways to manage stress, all of which can be used at some of the more challenging times in your life to help you regain balance and control.


1. Cross Crawling
Cross crawling is a form of NLP which involves using the two sides of the body in opposition to create mirroring movements. NLP involves trying to detect and change unconscious biases, and it works to change your thoughts and behaviors through the use of language or movement. A good example of cross crawling is tossing a ball from one hand to another for a certain length of time, but you could also try walking, climbing, or swimming. These motions work to reprogram your nervous system and spinal muscles so that you start to work in optimum flow and feel less stressed.


2. Exercise Regularly

If you don’t already have a regular exercise routine established, this is a must for managing stress. Working out regularly will help to relax both your body and mind, and you’ll find that it boosts your mood due to the rush of endorphins. You’ll need to try and exercise four or five times a week for best results, and try to find activities that will raise your heart rate and challenge your body.


One of the best ways to create consistency when it comes to exercise is to set yourself challenges. For example, if you enjoy running, consider signing up for a local 5k race or marathon. You’ll have something to work toward that will keep you motivated on those days where you are struggling to get out of bed and get moving. Remember, even a short exercise session will do you so much good, so even on the toughest days, try to fit in a short workout.


3. Deep Breathing

The next time you are feeling stressed, take some time out to breathe deeply and relax. Find a comfortable place to sit or lie down where you can place your hands in your lap and your feet on the floor. From there, try to close your eyes and imagine yourself in a relaxing place. This could be the beach or a forest, but just try to find somewhere that makes you feel peaceful and relaxed. Take deep breaths in and out, focusing on your breath and nothing else. Do this for about five minutes, and you’ll soon find you notice a huge difference in your mood.


4. Talk About The Causes of Your Stress

One of the biggest reasons we remain stressed for so long is that we don’t tell anyone how we are feeling. If you’ve been dealing with stress for some time now, it’s important to speak to someone you trust. For work-related issues, try to speak to your boss or a trusted colleague, who you can share your frustrations and concerns with. With personal issues, ensure you talk to your partner or a family member or friend instead of bottling up your feelings for too long. When you feel there is no one in your life to turn to, you might want to consider therapy, which is a great way to speak to someone outside of your closest relationships. Therapy is something that many people who have dealt with stress for an extended period of time really benefit from, and you’ll find that by offloading your worries, you can start to regain control of your life.


5. Think About What You Eat and Drink

While we all know that eating and drinking healthily is something we should all do, you might not realize that these could impact your stress levels. Alcohol and caffeine are two triggers that can really impact your mental health and stress levels, and you may find that they exasperate the issues you are feeling. Focus on consuming a healthy and balanced diet each day instead of concentrating on short-term gains by consuming food and drink that will leave you feeling guilty after.


6. Live By Your Values

When you are feeling stressed, we recommend that you take some time out to think about the causes of your stress. If you are constantly living and acting in a way that’s not in alignment with your values, you’ll find that you won’t ever feel good about what you are doing. No matter how busy you find yourself, use your values to guide your actions and choose how you spend your time. When you are doing work and activities you truly enjoy and get pleasure from, you’ll find that life becomes much less stressful.


7. Set Realistic Goals for Yourself

Goals are an important part of life, but when you set ambitious goals that aren’t entirely realistic, this can add extra stress and pressure to your life. Make sure you realize that you can’t do everything all the time, and be mindful of what you can and can’t control in your life. When you need to set personal and professional goals, make sure you keep your expectations realistic so that you don’t put added pressure on yourself when you are already feeling stressed by your everyday life.


By following these seven tips for managing stress, you can start to regain control of your life. Stress is something that’s often unavoidable, but you’ll find that by acknowledging your triggers and saying no to the things that cause you a lot of stress, you can regain the balance that’s needed to live a healthy and fulfilling life. While some levels of stress can be beneficial to keep us motivated in life, make sure you aren’t pushing yourself too far at any time. Know that help is always at hand and that you can find a family member or friend to talk to when things become too much for you in the future.

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